The emerging cutting-edge technologies and innovations in recent years have been propelling the smart city development, as well as the evolution of digital economy. The COVID-19 pandemic had further accelerated digital economic growth as remote work, online shopping, and telehealth services have become essential to our daily life.
In this year’s LSCM Logistics Summit, speakers and distinguished guests will delve into the recent technology advancement that have been fostering the smart city development and driving the growth of digital economy. Government officials, industry experts, business leaders and academia representatives will gather to explore the opportunities and challenges that digitalisation will bring about.
Ir Prof Alan LAM, JP
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Ir Prof Alan LAM, JP
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D CentreIr Prof Alan Lam, JP is an adjunct professor at CUHK, CityU and PolyU supervising PhD research, and teaching AI and IoT technologies as well as startup courses, and actively participated in various professional and public services in the innovation and technology industry. In 2004, he founded Sengital Limited and he has led the company to win dozens of technology awards and related patents. He is a member of Innovation and Technology Fund Vetting Committee, approving grants for more than 13 years. Professor Lam is currently the President of Steering Committee, HKSTP Startups Alumni Association. He actively serves the industry as an executive member of HKEIA, HKETA, and founding president of several innovation and technology associations. Professor Lam has served on the Board of Directors of ASTRI for six years. He is currently the Chairman of LSCM R&D Centre. He was selected as one of the ten outstanding young person in Hong Kong in 2015. He awarded the Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service in 2019 and was appointed as Justices of the peace by Chief Executive. In addition, he started angel investment in 2014, and joined Gravity Capital Partners Co Ltd in 2021 and now as CEO. He hopes to continuously serve innovation and technology industry in HK.

Prof Dong SUN, JP
Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Government of the HKSARProfessor Dong SUN was appointed as the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry on 1 July 2022.
Professor Sun is a world-renowned scholar and scientist. He is a pioneer in robotic manipulation of biological cells and robot control. His research has led to breakthroughs in the use of robotics combined with various micro-engineering tools. He has also received numerous awards.
Professor Sun was elected as Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Fellow of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering, Fellow of IEEE, and Fellow of ASME.
Prior to his appointment, Professor Sun was the Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong, and the Legislative Council Member (Election Committee).

Mr XIE Wei
Deputy Party Secretary of the Nansha Development Zone Party Working Committee
Mr ZHANG Hongming
Assistant President of China National Software & Service Company Limited
Dr WU Jingzheng
Deputy Director, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr LIU Guangyi
Chief Scientist of 6G, China Mobile Communication Corporation
Mr YUAN Hangzhi
Assistant General Manager, Guangdong Electronic Port Management Co., Ltd.
Chief Operation Officer, Cathay Cargo TerminalMark Watts has been the Chief Operating Officer of the Cathay Cargo Terminal since October 2021. He is accountable for the overall performance and business strategy of the Cathay Cargo Terminal.
Mark joined the Cathay Group in 2006 and has taken up a number of roles across the Group, including holding senior roles in Sales and Distribution, Procurement and inflight Operations at Cathay Pacific, as well as working as a General Manager in the Components and Engine Services division at HAECO.

Mr HUI Chark Shum, Sam, JP
Deputy Secretary for Health, Health Bureau, Government of the HKSARMr Hui is currently the Deputy Secretary for Health, responsible for formulation of policies on medical services and healthcare system and infrastructure, including matters relating to public health, prevention of communicable diseases, operation and development of public and private hospitals, healthcare financing (including Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme), research and health data as well as genomic medicine development. He is also responsible to discharge the statutory functions of Commissioner for the Electronic Health Record as set out in the Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance (Cap. 625).
Prior to this appointment, Mr Hui was the Deputy Representative of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels from 2016 to 2020, and the Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) from 2020 to 2023.

Chief Executive Officer, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Ir Tony WONG, JP
Commissioner for Digital Policy, Government of the HKSARAs the Commissioner for Digital Policy, Mr Tony WONG leads the Digital Policy Office in the formulation of data-driven, user-centric and outcome-based policies and measures that steer government bureaux and departments in accelerating the development of digital government to enhance efficiency and quality of government services for the benefits of citizens and businesses. He also oversees the overall policies, strategies and initiatives on digital government, data governance and information technology, as well as driving the development of local digital infrastructure and digital industry, strengthening governance of government IT projects and cybersecurity. Furthermore, Mr WONG devises strategic plans for the promotion and implementation of digital transformation in public services, promotes the adoption of IT in the community and across various industries as well as coordinating efforts to close the digital divide. Mr WONG is dedicated to fostering closer IT collaboration with the Mainland, in particular the Greater Bay Area, and supporting the better integration of Hong Kong into the overall national development. Mr WONG oversees the Government’s budget for administrative computer projects, its procurement of IT products and services, and formulates the long-term human resources and professional development planning for the government IT and management services professionals.

Mr DONG Jing
Head of Emerging, Lenovo PCCW SolutionsMr. Dong is responsible for the introduction of emerging mainland China technologies into the Hong Kong market at Lenovo PCCW Solutions, focusing on diversifying technological innovation for the digital economy. Mr. Dong’s main mission is to provide a proven, safe and controllable technology transformation journey for digital economic transformation.
Before joining Lenovo PCCW Solutions, Mr. Dong was a veteran of end-to-end technology transformation and served as the chief operating officer of SAP CX Greater China, providing SAP cloud products based on secure and controllable technology to customers in Greater China. Deliver MLPS Level 3 certified data center. Mr. Dong was a solution architect at Oracle China and Accenture (Singapore and China), leading the technology transformation of telecom operators in the Asia-Pacific region, such as China Telecom, China Mobile, Telstra, Malaysian Telecom and Korea Telecom, etc... Mr. Dong is supporting A diversified career in technological innovation in the digital economy has brought valuable experience to Hong Kong clients, helping them build the application architecture of the next generation digital economy using emerging secure and controllable solutions.
Dr YUAN Feng
Executive Vice President of Guangzhou Institute of Software and Chairman of CAS Smart City(Guangzhou)Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Dr YUAN Feng
Executive Vice President of Guangzhou Institute of Software and Chairman of CAS Smart City(Guangzhou)Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Global Marketing Director, Huawei Government Public Services DigitalizationMr. Jiang has served as the director of Huawei Cloud Service Marketing Dept, general manager of government and enterprise cloud in Ningxia Autonomous Region, assistant to the president and general manager of the business model of China Digital Government, vice president of government and enterprise cloud in China.
Mr. Jiang is familiar with the Chinese government market. He has in-depth research and practice in the fields of digital economy, smart city, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. He not only has extensive management experience in cloud computing operations, sales & marketing, strategic planning and management, but also has 15 years of practical experience in government digitalization and city digitalization.
Main Research Interests: Digital Economy, Cloud and AI, Digital Governance in the city, Government Digital Transformation, etc.
Mr Jonathan PENG
Senior Solution Architect, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Hong Kong, Alibaba Group
Mr Jonathan PENG
Senior Solution Architect, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Hong Kong, Alibaba Group
Mr LEE Hon Man, CDSM
Special Project Director, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D CentreLee Hon Man has been the Special Project Director of the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) since September 2024. He is accountable for IT project governance and strategy.
He joined the LSCM in 2021 and has taken up the role of Chief Strategy Advisor who provided strategic advice to senior management and assisted in introducing Centre-led technologies into the public sector and related organizations.
*Remarks: Programme rundown is subject to change without prior notice
Hong Kong Science Park
Grand Hall & Function Hall, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, New Territories

The Role of Smart Logistics in Facilitating the Greater Bay Area Development

Rise Above the Challenges with Innovation

Innovate and Revitalise to win over the COVID-19