LSCM Logistics Summit 2024


LSCM Logistics
Summit 2024

10 October 2024 - Hong Kong Science Park



The emerging cutting-edge technologies and innovations in recent years have been propelling the smart city development, as well as the evolution of digital economy. The COVID-19 pandemic had further accelerated digital economic growth as remote work, online shopping, and telehealth services have become essential to our daily life.

In this year’s LSCM Logistics Summit, speakers and distinguished guests will delve into the recent technology advancement that have been fostering the smart city development and driving the growth of digital economy. Government officials, industry experts, business leaders and academia representatives will gather to explore the opportunities and challenges that digitalisation will bring about.





Morning Session

Registration and Networking
Welcome Remarks
Ir Prof Alan LAM Hiu Fung, JP, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Opening Remarks
Professor Dong SUN, JP, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, The Government of the HKSAR
New Opportunities for Digital Economy in the Greater Bay Area
Mr XIE Wei, Deputy Party Secretary of the Nansha Development Zone Party Working Committee
Group photo of Speakers and VIPs
MOU Signing Ceremony by LSCM and CEC Joint Innovation Research Institute
MOU Signing Ceremony by LSCM, Guangzhou Institute of Software, and CAS Smart City (Guangzhou) Information Industry Co., Ltd.
MOU Signing Ceremony by LSCM and Sinotrans South China Container Logistics Co. Ltd.
Data Governance and Application Innovation for the Smart City
Mr ZHANG Hongming, Assistant President of China National Software & Service Company Limited
The Importance of Open-Source Software in Promoting Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation

The Importance of Open-Source in Driving Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation

Currently, open-source is essential for driving global technological innovation and digital transformation. However, with its widespread application, the open-source software supply chain also faces a series of risks. Based on the research progress and practices of the project team in the field of open-source software supply chain, delves into the significant role of open-source in driving global technological innovation and digital transformation. It analyzes the opportunities and challenges that open-source brings to China’s technology. The report conducts an in-depth analysis of potential risks in the open-source software supply chain. It offers a series of solutions aimed at enhancing the security and transparency of the supply chain and promoting the healthy development of the open-source ecosystem.

Dr WU Jingzheng, Deputy Director, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Emergence of 6G Technology: Opportunities and Challenges

The Emergence of 6G Technology: Opportunity and Challenges

Towards 2030, the society vision of 6G is “digital twin, ubiquitous intelligence”, which will bring new application scenarios such as holographic communication, immersive XR, digital twins of human, embodied intelligent robots, and three-dimensional intelligent transportation, helping to solve social focus problems such as “population aging”, “traffic congestion”, and “difficulty in seeing a doctor”, and accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of society. To this end, 6G needs to comprehensively expand the capability dimension and system architecture of the network, realize the integration of communication, sensing, computing, intelligence, security and other elements, and realize the transformation of on-demand services through on-demand orchestration and scheduling of network functions and resources.

Dr LIU Guangyi, Chief Scientist of 6G, China Mobile Communication Corporation
Break and Visit of Technology Showcases
Importance of Digitalisation for Smart Logistics

Importance of Digitalisation for Smart Logistics

Digitalisation of logistics is critical in maintaining Hong Kong’s major cargo hub position, but how to determine the short-term fads from the long-term opportunities? Mark Watts will share the lessons from the digital journey at Cathay Cargo Terminal including paperless operations and how to leverage big data, the power of AI, the need to accelerate ePayments and opportunities for

Mr Mark WATTS, Chief Operating Officer, Cathay Cargo Terminal
Smart Border Crossing Upgrades Digital Transformation at Ports
Mr YUAN Hangzhi, Assistant General Manager, Guangdong Electronic Port Management Co., Ltd.
Collaboration for a Smarter Community (eHealth+)

Collaboration for a Smarter Community (eHealth+)

Collaboration is essential in building a smarter community. eHealth, launched by the Government in 2016, aims to build up lifelong electronic health records for all members of the public through collaboration between public and private healthcare providers, thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of healthcare. Building on the current strengths of eHealth, the Government announced in the 2023 Policy Address to launch a five-year plan for eHealth+ to transform eHealth into an effective and comprehensive healthcare information infrastructure.

This speech would introduce the development of eHealth+ and share how its development through collaboration with various stakeholders (including the Government, healthcare recipients, and healthcare providers) can contribute to building a smarter community.

Mr HUI Chark Shum, Sam, JP, Deputy Secretary for Health, Health Bureau, The Government of the HKSAR
LSCM’s Technology: Fostering the Development of Smart City and Digital Economy
Mr Simon WONG, MH, FCILT, Chief Executive Officer, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Networking Luncheon


Afternoon Session

(Theme: Digitalisation in the Greater Bay Area)
Co-host: Guangzhou Institute of Software /
CAS Smart City (Guangzhou) Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Navigating the Opportunities of Digitalisation in the Greater Bay Area

Navigating the Opportunities of Digitalisation in the Greater Bay Area

The newly established Digital Policy Office (DPO) takes the lead in promoting data-driven, people-centric and outcome-based digital policies within the Government and across various sectors for enhancing the Government’s efficiency and services, with a view to bringing greater benefits to citizens and business sectors through digital government and smart city development. Apart from the promotion of opening up and sharing of data, as well as data analytics and applications, the DPO also endeavours to strengthen digital infrastructure and security, promote industry development and deepen co-operation with the Mainland, including putting in place measures that facilitate cross-boundary data flows and the Cross-boundary Public Services initiative. This presentation will brief on the approaches that the DPO takes to seize the opportunities of digitalisation in the Greater Bay Area.

Ir Tony WONG, JP, Commissioner for Digital Policy, The Government of the HKSAR
Diversifying Technological Innovation in Digital Economy through Cloud Native & AI Native Application Modernization

Diversifying Technological Innovation in Digital Economy through Cloud Native & AI Native Application Modernization

This session discusses the modernization of applications and the integration of diverse technologies to enhance digital economic development in Hong Kong. It highlights the shift towards cloud-native and AI-native architectures, emphasizing their role in improving public service availability.

Mr DONG Jing, Head of Emerging, Lenovo PCCW Solutions
The Development of Smart City to Digital City, and the Prospect of Cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong

The Development of Smart City to Digital City, and the Prospect of Cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong

This report covers the four stages and development trends from smart cities to digital cities, discusses application scenarios such as the integration of vehicles, roads and clouds, shares the team’s technical practices in fields like AGI, blockchain and Internet of Things, and conducts analysis and outlook on the demand for secure and autonomous technologies in the cooperation between Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

Dr YUAN Feng, Executive Vice President of Guangzhou Institute of Software and Chairman of CAS Smart City(Guangzhou)Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Innovating and Upgrading Smart Cities, Accelerate City Intelligence
Mr JIANG Hu Lin, Global Marketing Director of Huawei Government Public Services Digitalization
Data Governance and Application Innovation for the Smart City
Mr Jonathan PENG, Senior Solution Architect, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Hong Kong, Alibaba Group
Strengthening IT infrastructure resilience via diversification – Introduction to ISSRAC
Mr LEE Hon Man, CDSM, Special Project Director, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
End of the afternoon programme

*Remarks: Programme rundown is subject to change without prior notice



Hong Kong Science Park

Grand Hall & Function Hall, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, New Territories




The Role of Smart Logistics in Facilitating the Greater Bay Area Development


Rise Above the Challenges with Innovation


Innovate and Revitalise to win over the COVID-19