LSCM Logistics Summit 2022

Keynote Speech: Future Cold Chain Business in Hong Kong

Cold Chain logistics has been one of the key growth drivers in the logistics sector, with pharma tonnages in particular recording double-digit growth in Hong Kong. With immense potential for continuing growth, cold chain business has understandably come under the spotlight of key logistics players in Hong Kong. The constant demand for product integrity, security and […]

Keynote Speech: Collaborating to Develop Hong Kong into a World-famed Smart City

Developing smart city to improve people’s quality of living is a mission of governments around the world today.  In Hong Kong, we promulgated the Smart City Blueprint in December 2017 to develop smart city in six major areas: “Smart Mobility”, “Smart Living”, “Smart Environment”, “Smart People”, “Smart Government” and “Smart Economy”.  Having regard to our […]

Keynote Speech: Introducing eBRAM with Deal-Making and ODR to Facilitate Cross-border Trade

eBRAM Centre is a joint community effort combining Hong Kong’s strength in legal, technology and business sectors to use the latest know-how and technology to facilitate deal-making, on-line negotiation, conciliation, mediation, arbitration and capacity building to advance the Belt and Road Initiative, and to advance Hong Kong as the leading LawTech centre that provides cost-effective […]

Keynote Speech: Innovation and Impact of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) has rapidly emerged as one of the hottest technology surrounding us in our everyday life. VR enables us to experience vividly imaginable situations and create immersive environments that are difficult to tell between real and virtual. While the popularity of VR is ever increasing, the inspiration that VR provides us in technology […]